
Monday, 15 September 2014

TAST #129 Lock Stitch

Take A Stitch Tuesday, TAST #129 is called Lock Stitch. It is easy to stitch, but hard to make it look even! Does that make it a difficult stitch, I wonder?

 First I worked it on my Aida sampler. I used stranded floss, the pale pink is stranded linen.

Here I used Perle #5. I think the fibres in the thread got a better grip, but I am still not pleased with the tension.

As always Sharon's examples in the instructions are MUCH neater. Go to Pintangle and learn, and do a better job than I did!


  1. You are so good to keep up. I am trying to learn from your samples. As always, wonderful stitches!

    1. Sometimes it is a struggle to keep up. On the other hand I feel the needlework is a way to cope with the stress built up by other things.

  2. You are too hard on yourself. You stitching is fine.

    1. I hope it WILL become fine one day. I have just looked at some other stitchers work and got a lot of ideas to try out.

  3. Isn't it wonderful how color and spacing can change the whole effect ? Really nice.

    1. You are so right. The choice of thread and colour can make the same stitch look like two totally different ones.

  4. I wonder how it would look as a flower head....

    1. Thank you for the idea. I wonder how the Lock stitch would look in a circle.

  5. not tried this stitch yet but as you say getting the tension right is not easy it might appear on my next crazy patch will see how I get on with it

    1. I think this a good cq stitch - you don't need to stitch through the fabric for the lacing part.

  6. Your stitches are far neater than mine are. I wonder if I am drawing the thread too tightly.
    The top orange one is Good.

  7. Ah, its one of 'those' stitches that are difficult to get right.....Like you, I get frustrated with the tension too, so i avoid it ! Must say though, yours are much better than mine !
    Chris Richards

    1. Well, that is a way to solve the problem - avoid it! ha, ha!
      The thing is that I promised myself to try all the TAST stitches and I WILL!

  8. You're keeping up with the stitches! This is one of those stitches that works much better in a thicker thread. I think the last row would look better with longer straight stitches. I still have to stitch my lock stitches for this week!

    1. Last night I made a birthday card using the Lock stitch in a circle, and it looked much better. This morning I watched your video on the Lock stitch and you have made me want to try out new versions!

    2. I'm sure lock stitch in a circle makes a pretty flower, I hope you share it with us! And I'm glad I could inspire you with my video, there are so many simple stitches that could be the base for lock stitch. I'm looking forward to see more of your lock stitches!

    3. I am always impressed with your work, and Chitra's, as well as many others who experiment and try stitch combinations.

  9. yours are lovely samples. mine are not looking this great. still working on the piece. this stitch as flower looks fine.

    1. It was your words 'this stitch as flower looks fine' that inspired me to make a birthday card with the Lock stitch. I am pleased with the result and will post it on my blog eventually. Annet has also shown some new versions.
      Thank you for your comments, ideas and advice.

  10. I don't know... I think the slight variations with the interlaced threads adds character to the stitch. I will just be getting to mine today, and after seeing all of the lovely examples, I expect it will have a character of its own, as well!

    Your work is beautiful and the color combinations are fabulous.

    1. I have now seen so many variations (buttonhole, long tailed chain etc) and levels of tension in the thread, as well as different threads and stitch lines that I think this will become a great stitch. I love the sharing of information and inspiration we all give each other.
      Please have fun with yours and it will be full of character!

  11. I've yet to try this one, but if you have trouble keeping the tension even, I stand no chance! Your stitches look fine to me, especially the lower set.

    1. One of the best things to do is wait until everyone else have posted their versions and you have a whole spectrum of stitches to get inspiration from.
      Annet also suggested working the interlacing from left to right, which I will try out.

    2. I actually started a sample this afternoon and found I preferred working the interlacing from left to right too.


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