
Sunday, 2 February 2014

TAST # 96 - Beaded Linked Chain Stitch

For the next TAST stitch, Sharon of Pintangle offered a beaded version of the previous stitch, so TAST #96 is called Beaded Linked Chain Stitch.
I like how the link stitch opens the chain enough for the bead to sit inside the frame of the chain.
Do you feel tempted? Want to try? Click here to learn how.


  1. Very nice. What size bead and what type/size thread are you using?

    1. The seed beads are #11 (2.2mm) and the thread Perle 5. The fabric is very coarse and has 16 counts to the inch.

  2. this stitch works very well with the beads Queenie. I was telling Cheryl about your quilt show and she is going to look at your blog, she said her dream was to one day go to the Tokyo quilt show. You never know if either of us wins the lottery we will come, the Houston quilt show is also on the list!

    1. it would be lovely to meet up for the Tokyo show! Have you already bought you lottery ticket?

  3. Love your linked chain stitch snake! I planned to use this stitch today too, but it didn't happen. It was much more fun to see my fabric book grow!

    1. It was fun to make, and then see that the result was a 'snake'. With other beads it would take on a different look.

  4. I like the look of the stitch, I can't remember doing this one so I think I must have a go. I think I have put beads on normal chain stitch afterwards.

    1. It is like getting two for the price of one; very little effort but great results. Different beads and you would have another look. The problem with adding beads with the main thread is that you need a needle that is thin enough to go through the hole of the bead. Adding beads later, with a thinner thread you can of course use ANY bead.

  5. A lovely stitch, I like the use of beads in my work, this stitch could be useful!

    1. Sharon B of Pintangle has promised lots of beaded TAST stitches this year.

  6. I so seldom use beads when stitching. This stitch looks great and something I have to try!

    1. According to Sharon, MANY of the TAST stitches this year will be beaded. Lucky me, have just 'inherited' a big box of beads!


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