
Saturday, 28 September 2013

TAST #83 Siennese Stitch

Take A Stitch Tuesday is a way to learn new stitches initiated by Sharon of Pintangle; click here to learn more.

#83 of the TAST stitches, the Siennese Stitch, is easy and fun to do. I made a row in two shades of grey and then individual stitches in horizontal and vertical position.

These stitches make me think of all the Tokyoites celebrating winning the bid for OS2020. Arms stretch up over their heads, accompanied cries of Banzai! It translates into 'Cheers!' in English although the kanji (Chinese characters) 万歳 means 10.000 years. Will the event last for 10.000 years? Is it a 10.000 years' wait for the games? Will taxpayers need to pay for the event for 10.000 years? Or will the good feeling, the legacy, last for 10.000 years? Let's hope for the last meaning! Banzai!


  1. Lovely sample Queenie!! This is a simple and beautiful stitch...I have to find a good design for it..I am still behind :(

    1. Do you remember Luiz Vaz of Embroiderland
      He was so clever at finding designs for the TAST stitches, and would have made something very interesting with the SIennese stitch.
      As for me, I have not yet got any bright ideas. What about you, Latha?

  2. I like your design and I love this stitch.

  3. another good stitch for my CQ blocks, interesting what you have said about the Olympics, it was great fun when we had them here and I am, sure \Japan will put on a great show, it is a worry about cost though,
    Wonder where Luiz has gone miss seeing his tast creations.

    1. This stitch is easy and quick to make and perfect for cq seams. Annet of Fat-Quarter and Carolyn over at Carorose Creations have some great ideas for the Siennese stitch.

  4. I've done my sample in a straight row but I do like the red horizontal/vertical stitching you have done, makes it look more interesting.

    1. This time I got my inspiration from Annet of Fat-Quarter.
      She has worked her row of vertical/horisontal stitches closer together which makes a nice filling pattern.

  5. Great sample, love the red stitches. It's a nice pattern.

  6. Nice stitching, I can see what you mean about the athletes arms.

    1. A man with raised arms, the letter K or just a pretty stitch. I like the Siennese stitch.


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