
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

The remaining of my photos from TIGQF

Today is the final day of Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival, and I can imagine it is the most crowded as visitors take the last chance to see all the wonderful quilts.

It is also the final posting here on this blog of my remaining photos. It is a mixed bunch:


This is a pieced quilt with appliqué but could be the base for an orderly crazy quilt, don't you think?

Each field shows a scene or items from various seasons: In the top left field you see traditional New Year games, as well as a rice cake being grilled on a net (looks like an old fashioned stamp!); underneath is the Bean Throwing Festival which is coming up soon (February 3rd); under that, dolls for the Hina Festival (March 3rd); you can imagine cherry viewing in the hills; fields of tulips; the flying carp streamers are for Boys' Festival on May 5th; next to it is a block with white hydrangeas in the rainy season; the Tanabata Festival (July 7th) when bamboo branches are bedecked with paper ornaments and slips of paper with wishes; in the big block at the bottom you have all the joys of summer holiday; then the scarecrows in the rice fields in late summer and;  finally the autumn leaf viewing season.

I think the quilter has made good use of the quilting to make sure the rings are visible in this yellow and blue Double Wedding Ring quilt.

I love this quilter; she makes the most beautiful landscape slash quilts. Several layers of fabric are stacked and canals are stitched to hold the layers together. Then the fabric in between the stitched lines is cut and you get this misty scenery.

Here are a few details from quilts:
Chieko Shiraishi got her inspiration for this appliqué quilt from Hungarian Kalocsa embroidery. She has used wool and crochet lace.

Here is a typical example of how old scraps of kimono silk are used in Japan for both pieced and appliquéd work. With a bit of embroidery added.

Indigo dyed fabric abound in Japan and in Japanese quilts, often in traditional patchwork blocks like Log cabin, as well as in blocks of original design. Just beautiful!

However, the quilt that won my heart was:
Minutely detailed, well balanced, perfectly stitched, and notice how straight it hangs.

See the green lattice border with the wall visible behind! Notice the golden details that are all made out of fine couched down gold passing! Passing is a metallic thread, please read Mary Corbet's interesting article about it here.

Finally I have an addition to yesterday's post: The framed quilt 'High summer in Furano' is made by Ms Harumi Sugita (椙田晴美). I will edit the info on that picture.


  1. another delightful journey I have been on with this last set of photos, the slashed one is very interesting but the first one gets today`s vote. Thanks once again Queenie for sharing all these quilts with us.

    1. Slashed quilts had their height of popularity some years ago, and many bags were made then. Now only few quilters use this technique, but they ones that do often make stunning quilts. THIS is actually the perfect way to use up 'ugly' pieces of fabric in one's stash!

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the quilts they were all lovely. Thank you for taking the time to add them to your blog.
    Well done

    1. Good, I had a great time too, blogging about them. I noticed that I had to look more carefully and study the quilts or I would not know what to write so it has been a good learning experience for me. Thank YOU for reading!
      All the best!

  3. These quilts are just stunning. I don't think I could choose a favourite. I have been to Houston a number of times but I don't think I have seen this level of detail and workmanship before.
    Thanks for these posts.

    1. Hi Carolyn,
      I have never been to Houston but believe the quilts there are unbelievably great.
      What I think is a huge difference is that in Japan probably 80% of all quilts on show are HAND MADE, the quilters have no studio but sit at the kitchen table, quilt while caring for elderly relatives and cooking meals from scratch. Have you noticed that many quilts are inspired from a trip, some event in the past or celebrating a family event. Quilting is a way to relive your memory while being tied to the home. The production progress is also probably slow; 'A quilt a year'.

  4. Another big WOW.
    Thank you so much for sharing these pictures.

    1. My pleasure.
      I need to pay more attention to my photos in the future, more close up shots of the details. This time it was just too crowded; there was often a queue of people waiting their turn to take a picture.

  5. Incredible - just lovely - going back now to read up on the previous posts! thank you very much for posting these photos and sharing the information Queenie!

    1. I am more than happy to share the show with my stitching friends.

  6. I look forward to your post as there is some things that I have newer seen before Thank you again.

    1. Oh, that is so nice to read. I loved going to the show and I wish all my stitching buddies around the world had been there, too. A quilt is, after all, not as beautiful on a photo as it is 'in the flesh'.

  7. Such lovely work! I am amazed by the talent! Thanks for sharing

  8. Thnak so much to you Queenie for this wonderful report of Tokyo International Grat Festival : your photos are just wonderful and just make me dream.
    I hope so hardly go to the next one in 2014 :)
    Have a nice Sunday,

  9. I have thoroughly enjoyed your photos and your lovely, detailed commentary on the quilts! I feel as if I've just visited the show again with a knowledgable guide. Thank you so much. I am so glad to know about your blog and look forward to following it.

  10. Thank you for sharing this beautiful work!


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