
Saturday, 11 August 2012

TAST2012 Week 32

For this week we were given an unusual stitch, the Cast On Stitch, by Sharon of Pintangle. I have worked it before and like it very much, however, it is rather time consuming. As I am on holiday and enjoying myself I picked out a nice audio book and set about making this:

Some of the threads my friend had given me were worked into this. I found that the standard floss was easiest to work with but the shinier (rayon?) threads kept slipping and behaving badly!


  1. I have also noticed that the rayons and metallic flosses "behave badly". Sometimes when I work with them, especially since bling isn't my thing, I usually use one thread of regular floss and one of the "criminal" floss. I say one thread of each, but have used more, depending on how I want it to look. :-)

  2. Nice !!! like the simple design.

  3. You made really exotic flowers. The cast on is the perfect stitch for it


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