
Sunday, 15 July 2012

Woven or embroidered?

I went to an exhibition featuring Swedish weaving. There were many examples of beautiful things. What struck me, an embroiderer, most, was the look of some items.

This is a colourful example of weaving that makes you think of  KOGIN, Japanese running stitch in patterns.

Another section of the museum displayed needlework in schools through the ages.

When I saw this blue needle case I had to smile - it is just like mine, rough, in simple stitching and with initials, and well used. How many girls made the same case in the early 60s?

Charming illustrations: 
Get used to stitching neatly from the start!
It makes you happier
than if you do it sloppily.
The work gets tidier.
Sloppy work makes no one happy.

These days 'sloppy' work is called free form and is highly thought of. It makes many people happy! How times change!


  1. Love your blog really interesting .

  2. Yes time's have changed.In the U.K.Children are not taught to sew in schools any more but are expected to, if thy study art & textiles for exams.

    1. Fixing a hemline or securing a button are 'survival skills' just like boiling an egg or changing a fuse. They should be taught in schools!!! Or am I just old fashioned?

  3. Love that Swedish weaving and yes it is like Kogin, addictive.
    Whilst researching I found that there are examples of the same kind of work in most cultures . The Greek one is nice but I think the Islandic takes the cake.


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