
Friday, 1 June 2012

TAST2012 Week 22

First of all, to those visiting my new blog for the first time, Welcome!

Due to changes in the IT world and the fact that many of my TAST friends have had trouble accessing or following my old blog I decided to make a new, fresh one. I am still a bit unfamiliar with the workings of Blogger so bear with me...

Anyway, let's talk about stitching! This week Sharon of TAST2012 gave us the Knotted Cretan Stitch to tackle. Unfortunately, I really had to tackle this stitch. It was new to me and however much I like the plain Cretan Stitch, this knotted version was a struggle. First of all you need to think in mirror image to make the second (from down to up) part of the stitch, secondly the thread got tangled up all the time and I am sure I have misplaced the lower knot several times.

So I simply made a frame and rows of stitches of different size and in a variety of threads. The most fun was adding the beads in the middle of the blue stitches. When I had finished, I saw a pattern of fish bones in my white stitches  and made a little fish skeleton, too.

                                                                                              Among the photo galleries I have created at the top of the blog there is one for TAST2012 where I have collected all the stitches we have made so far.

Bye for now and happy needlework!


  1. Your new stitches look very colourful and I love the fish. X

  2. You have made a wonderful piece. I like your stitches! Your choice of the stitch for the fish is perfect! I also had to struggle with knotted cretan!

  3. Well done with the samples Queenie. My second round using KC and I still struggled to keep the line neat.
    I love your fish

  4. Lovely samples, the fish is gorgeous. I look at the knot in knotted cretan as a chain stitch. Hope this helps you.


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