
Wednesday, 25 December 2019

WIPW - Holiday Stitching

It is nice to have a holiday - it means there is time to stitch!

Work In Progress Wednesday today includes the following additions to my work:

Circles Challenge
I had promised myself to use the Mountmellick Stitch for this piece and worked a circle in Perle 8

Freeform Embroidery
These woven stitches were added:
Closed and Open Base Needlewomen Picots, Woven Zig-Zag Stitch and Woven Detached Chain Stitch.

Tvistsöm Cushion
The 19th column is in progress.

I hope you have a holiday, too, and are enjoying it!

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Sunday Stitch School - Winter Vacation

Sunday Stitch School will be closed for winter vacation until January 5th, when we start again with  the first stitch of 2020.

Wishing you all the best for the holidays.

Friday, 20 December 2019

Friday Homework for Lesson 117: French Knotted Lazy Daisy Stitch

This homework was easy.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth

This is the last homework report of 2019. Sunday Stitch School will now be closed for winter vacation until Sunday January 5th, when we start the year with a new stitch.
Enjoy the holidays!

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

WIPW - Recent SSS Stitches

For this Work In Wednesday Progress report I can show you some recent stitches from Sunday Stitch School on

Freeform Embroidery
They are: Woven Long Tail Chain, French Knotted Lazy Daisy and Chained Sheaf Stitch

Circles Challenge
Here I couched down a stiff 'shoe lace'.
I had intended to do some Mountmellick embroidery too, but found no time.

Tvistöm Cushion
The 17th column is now in progress.

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 117: French Knotted Lazy Daisy Stitch

It's a sunny Sunday here and a pity to sit indoors too long. That's why today's stitch is an easy and fast one. Actually it is made up of two well known stitches, Lazy Daisy and French Knot.

It can be found in Totsuka Embroidery Stitch Book #8, and has no name. Let's call it French Knotted Lazy Daisy, until an established name is found. Please leave a comment if you know of any such name.

The workings of this stitch is easy to guess, but I have added these pictures anyway.

Make a Lazy Daisy Stitch

Wrap the thread twice around the needle, forming a French Knot.

Anchor the knot just below the chain.

Voila! There you have it!

Make a few more into a flower, if you like.

Work these samplers

Friday, 13 December 2019

Friday Homework for Lesson 116: Woven Long Tail Chain Stitch

Better late than never - here is my homework. For a neater result, you will need more time than I have had to spend. These stitches were all done in a rush.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

WIPW - Couched Braid Circle

So what progress have I to report for Work In Progress Wednesday? Well, not so much, but I have made some on the

Circles Challenge
There are three more circles, one of them is a braid that I couched down.
 The others are Backstitched Chain and Buttonhole.

Freeform Embroidery
I am sticking to the circle shape for the Freeform Embroidery, too. The progress: Mille Fleur Stitch, Rosette Stitch Rose and Petal Stitch.

Tvistsöm Cushion
Only a few stitches have been added here.

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 116: Woven Long Tail Chain Stitch

Welcome to another set of five stitches here at Sunday Stitch School.
Today I am once again taking a stitch from Totsuka Embroidery Stitch Book #8 (Detached Chain Stitch).

Actually it is not one stitch, but a combination made up of three Long Tail Chain stitches whose tails have been woven into a picot.

The stitch has no name in the book, so I will give it the descriptive name of Woven Long Tail Chain Stitch.

Begin by making a Long Tail Chain Stitch

Add another stitch at an angle.

Anchor the tail in the same hole as the previous tail.

Add another slanted stitch on the other side.

Now begin weaving  (keep the thread or change to another colour) between the tails.

Anchor at the tip.

Work on these samplers.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Friday Revision Homework - Stitches 111 - 115

To sum up the five most recent stitches done at Sunday Stitch School, here is Sunbonnet Sue. She has lost her bonnet, or is it hidden behind all those leaves?

Had it been a summer scene I could have swarmed her with Chained Sheaf Stitch 'butterflies' instead of leaves, but I decided to stick to the season and use the leaves instead

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

WIPW - The First Circles

There are two kinds of circles on Work In Progress Wednesday today. The first is of course

Circles Challenge
where I have now started embroidery along the curved seams. This will emphasise the circles that the joined blocks created.

The other kind of circles are on the 
Freeform Embroidery
where some round forms have grown. They are made up of Reversed Buttonhole Circles and Whipped Long Tail Chain Stitch.

Tvistsöm Cushion
is totally free from circles, but has four (and 1/3) new straight columns.