
Thursday, 30 May 2019

Friday Homework for Lesson 100: Step Stitch

This stitch is made up of easy parts: Chain Stitch, Wrapped Straight Stitch and Reversed Chain Stitch.
Easy, yes, but hard to get even, as you can see.

Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

WIPW - Almost Done

Two of my Work In Progress Wednesday projects are almost done.

Crazy for Crazy
is one of them.
I added sequins, bugle beads and French Knots.

BES (Brazilian Embroidery Study
is also nearing its completion.
Here I stitched flowers in Stem Stitch and French Knots.

There is still plenty more work to be added to 
but I did make good progress. The scalloped segments were filled with various stitches.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 100: Step Stitch

Today we have reached stitch #100! Never had I thought I would be able to find as many stitches as this. The good news is that there are plenty more stitches waiting to be featured, so watch this spot in the future, too.

I thought a stitch called Step Stitch would be just perfect for this milestone of the SSS project. I have taken many steps and will climb even further in future.

I found the Step Stitch in Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches. Step Stitch is also known as Ladder Stitch.
Updated: The French name is  point d’échelle enchainée. 
Thank you for the information, Mattia.

This will look best on even weave, but I worked the instructions on plain fabric and used a marker pen to draw two lines.

Over these two lines stitch Chain Stitch for two parallel lines..

 Next step is to stitch straight lines between these Chain Stitches.

Once they are done, take a different thread/colour and wrap the stiles of the ladder.

When you come to the middle, anchor the wraps, make two loose loops, and start wrapping again on the right side.

When you have reached the middle of the second stile, make a Reversed Chain Stitch.

Continue the wrapping.
The result, well on even weave it would have looked - even, here the ladder seems wobbly. 
Queenie, you have many more steps to take!

Aida Sampler
Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart
Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth. 

Friday, 24 May 2019

Friday Homework for Lesson 99: Chemanthy Stitch, complex version

You know the saying, 'better sleep on it'? This sleep might be good in many situations, for example when you are unsure of a purchase, you can 'sleep on it' and the next day you know whether to buy or not.

For stitching this technique is equally good I found, especially with this complex stitch. When I wrestled with it a couple of weeks ago it seemed impossible to master, but after a few nights' good sleep, it turned out to be easy, or at least easier than expected.

Here is my homework:
Aida Sampler

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2020 - Partnership Quilt project - My Favourite Animal

It is time to make a quilt block for NHK's Partnership Quilt Project at Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2020, to be held in Tokyo Dome in January next year.

More information can be found on the official website. Sorry only in Japanese.

Under the tag NHK, above, you can read about this project and see my previous entires.

The theme this time is MY FAVOURITE ANIMAL.

In tonight's TV program and on the website, the suggestions were many. 
There are a lot of different animals to love - pets, farm animals, wild animals, endangered spieces, zoo animals, or indeed, Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts. 
Then think of all the things around animals, their food, nests, foot prints, or accessories (dog collar and leash, cat's ball, elephant's embellished covers....

The rules are, 
  • size 15x15 cm + seam allowance of 1-2 cm
  • no quilting,
  • name written in lower right seam allowance,
  • enclose a self addressed 62yen postcard, if you live in Japan and want to know in which quilt your block has been added
  • DEADLINE: 31st JULY 2019, when the block must have reached NHK
  • send to: 
Partnership Quilt
 NHK Sutekini Handmade
 2-2-1 Jinnan
 Tokyo 150-8001

Now what animal will I make?
Another cat? I made this one in 2007 (the theme was Basket), or something totally different?

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

WIPW - Hearts

I have to hurry up to post this Work In Progress Wednesday report before Wednesday is over - it is that late in the day here.

Crazy for Crazy
Seed and Bugle beads have been added to the lace.

BES (Brazilian Embroidery Study)
I used the Double Cast On Stitch to make a multicoloured flower. The stem is made of Laced Running Stitch.

Here is where I have spent most time this week.

In the corner pieces I appliquéd last week I have embroidered a heart and embellished it like this:

On the half circles of blue cotton appliqué I have started outlining a shape in Stem Stitch.

The ribbon along the edge has been secured to the wool foundation with Tied Herringbone Stitch.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 99: Chemanthy Stitch - complex version

Do you remember the beautiful Chemanthy Stitch?
It was Sunday Stitch School's #95 stitch, an Indian stitch that works up both fast and easily.

Do you remember that I told you it has a sister, a complex version? 

Well,  this 'sister' is the stitch we are learning today.

I have colour coded this project in the same way as Deepa did for the simpler stitch. I find it a help, but you might prefer to use the numbered dots instead.
The green dot, 0, is a main player.

First mark the three circles on the fabric, 
then stretch your project tightly in a hoop or frame.

Now start stitching in this order:

Don't forget to keep the thread under the needle.

Once again you need to place the thread underneath the needle.

Move a bit along the circle to start the new petal.
From now on you just need to repeat the same four steps.

After having made a few petals you begin to get the rhythm and the stitch suddenly becomes an easy and addictive one. Good luck!

There are plenty of YouTube videos if you want to search for moving images.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Friday Homework for Lesson 98: Sprat's Head Stitch

This was easier than I had expected, but I found it important to check the tension and not pull the thread too tight. A hoop is important.

Aida Sampler

It looks different when worked on Aida as the spacing of the stitches is not so dense.

Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart
This could be used for a fir trees! Come Christmas!

Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth
The taller and spikier the triangle is, the more gets covered towards the bottom.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

WIPW - Ribbon Bow

It's been a productive week and I have the following to report for Work In Progress Wednesday.

Crazy for Crazy
I have reached the stage when it is time to play with beads, sequins and things that add shine, volume and structure.
Pearls and bugle beads were added.
More beads will be spilled here and there.

BES (Brazilian Embroidery Study)
Here I made good progress, I think. Making the ribbon bow in Buttonholed Double Chain Stitch took up a lot of time, but I am pleased with the result.

Oh, I do love the look of this stitch!
More Bullion Knots will be added to fill the knot in the centre.

Here, I have also made noticeable progress.
I stitched down a ribbon and four corner pieces. The latter have been edged with Buttonhole Stitch.

If I am lucky I will have as much progress to report next week, too!